On left row, you will find dedicated area for folders under DOCUMENTS subdivided in 3 spaces :
- PRIVATE SPACE : if activated by Admin. This area is private for every user. each of them will own dedicated space. Documents and files inside of it are strictly confidentials and cannot be accessed by any other user, including administrators, according to RGPD laws.
- COMPANY space : is an area for working and sharing, controled by administrators. COMMUN folder is default accessible for everyone.
- SHARED WITH YOU appears when someone invited you onto a folder where you previously had no rights, by user or group invitation.
This part is dedicated to administrators only
How to activate the private space ?
Every user has rights in their own private space (read, write, invite). So, users a fully autonomous in these areas.
- Go to your NetExplorer platform,
- In Configuration menu, go to FEATURES tab, and stop the first option PRIVATES SPACE.
- Click on
- Activate or deactivate private space.
- Select groups who will benefit from private space
- If neede, apply a quota for every private space (e.g. 10 Go /space).
- If you choose to apply a quota, you will then be able to define a custom quota for each group by clicking on button
In the same menu, you will find a switch to activate collaborate on private spaces, active by default, that allows users to invite workmates on folders from their private space.
When a user invites on a folder from private space, a specific icon is added to folder icon.
Company space ?
In company space, administrators can create new root folders, at the same level than "Documents" folder, who is already present, this can be made by right click in empty space.
Why do I get twice identical folders in "Company space" and in "shared with you" ?
In this example, directory "Marketing" appears inside of "Company space" AND in "Shared with you".
User has been invited onto this folder, and so, rights have been put directly onto this specific user.
Therefore, those folders are not duplicated
As user owns rights on folder by the "Administrator" group, folder also appears in "Company space".
The display of "Shared with you" offers a quick view for user of the folders he can browse.
User also can remove his own rights on those folders if he does not wish to keep them, then they will no longer appear in this area (Shared with you).