NetSync blocked by Windows 11 - Knowledgebase / NetSync / Issues and solutions / Windows specific - Support NetExplorer Skip to main content

NetSync blocked by Windows 11 - Knowledgebase / NetSync / Issues and solutions / Windows specific - Support NetExplorer

NetSync blocked by Windows 11

NetSync blocked by Windows 11

You just installed Windows 11 and from there you have synchronization issues with NetSync.

This might be due to rights management by Windows on folders and files.

Here is how to proceed :

Check the rights on NetSync folders

First, access folders where you usually synchronizer platform to your computer.

Right click on NetSync icon (in taskbar) and select "Open my NetSync folder".

Then right-click on concerned folders and select "Properties", puis cliquez sur Propriété.

In the newly open window, go to the 3rd tab "SECURITY", in "Group or user names" spot the name of your session or user name, and check that at least those 3 permissions are allowed.


If they are not, then click on EDIT button , tick the missing lines and validate by clikcing on OK.

This will trigger a change in rights, let it work until the end.

Relaunch NetSync

Once the rights have been checked, relaunch NetSync from right-click on taskbar icon/quit.

Then launch NetSync again, it should work properly now.