Convertir .xls or .doc files to formats .xlsx ou .docx - Knowledgebase / Microsoft Office / Good practices - Support NetExplorer Skip to main content

Convertir .xls or .doc files to formats .xlsx ou .docx - Knowledgebase / Microsoft Office / Good practices - Support NetExplorer

Convertir .xls or .doc files to formats .xlsx ou .docx

Convertir .xls or .doc files to formats .xlsx ou .docx

Sometimes you see Office files with old extensions. They are from Office version 97-2003 and have become out of date.
Extensions like .xlsx or .docx replaced these extensions and allow new features, plus smaller files ! 

If you are using NetSync, please prefer these new extensions. More information here !

Convert files to the new extension

You need to :

  • Open file (.xls)
  • Click on menu FILES to get to more information.
  • Click on SAVE AS and choose formats ending with "X" as shown below.

  • Excel will save file with new extension.

➔ File has been modified !

You can do the same for .doc files to save them to .docx files.

For mass conversion

If you have a lot of files, you can use our conversion tool. See dedicated webpage